- pentlandite
- сущ.
метал. железоникелевый колчедан, пентландит
Французско-русский универсальный словарь. 2013.
Французско-русский универсальный словарь. 2013.
Pentlandite — Catégorie II : sulfures et sulfosels[1] Pentlandite Général … Wikipédia en Français
pentlandite — ● pentlandite nom féminin (de J. B. Pentland, nom propre) Sulfure naturel de nickel et de fer, appartenant au système cubique, et qui constitue un important minerai de nickel. pentlandite [pɛntlɑ̃dit] n. f. ÉTYM. 1856, Dufrénoy; du nom du… … Encyclopédie Universelle
pentlandite — [pent′lən dīt΄] n. [Fr, after J. B. Pentland (1797 1873), Ir mineralogist] a bronze colored, brittle mineral, (Fe,Ni) 9S8, that is the chief ore of nickel … English World dictionary
Pentlandite — Infobox mineral name = Pentlandite boxwidth = caption = formula = iron nickel sulfide:(Fe,Ni)9S8 color = Yellowish bronze habit = Hexoctahedral rare; massive to granular system = Isometric cleavage = absent octahedral parting fracture =… … Wikipedia
pentlandite — /pent leuhn duyt /, n. a mineral, sulfide of nickel, occurring in the form of bronze colored granular aggregates, found with pyrrhotite: the principal source of nickel. [1855 60; < F; named after Joseph B. Pentland (d. 1873), Irish scientist; see … Universalium
pentlandite — pentlanditas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė (Fe,Ni)₉S₈ atitikmenys: angl. pentlandite rus. пентландит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
pentlandite — noun a mineral (iron and nickel sulphide) that is the chief ore of nickel • Hypernyms: ↑mineral • Substance Meronyms: ↑nickel, ↑Ni, ↑atomic number 28 * * * pentlandite Min. (ˈpɛntləndaɪt) [Named by Dufrénoy, 1856, after its discoverer M … Useful english dictionary
pentlandite — noun Etymology: French, from Joseph Pentland died 1873 Irish scientist Date: circa 1858 a bronzy yellow mineral that is an isometric nickel iron sulfide and the principal ore of nickel … New Collegiate Dictionary
pentlandite — noun A mixed iron and nickel sulfide mineral, with the chemical formula (Fe,Ni)S; the major ore of nickel … Wiktionary
pentlandite — pen·tlan·dì·te s.f. TS mineral. minerale cubico rarissimo, di colore giallo bronzo con lucentezza metallica, composto da solfuro di ferro e nichel {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1930. ETIMO: der. di Pentland, nome dell esploratore J.B. Pentland (...… … Dizionario italiano
pentlandite — [ pɛntləndʌɪt] noun a bronze yellow mineral consisting of a sulphide of iron and nickel. Origin C19: from the name of the Irish traveller Joseph B. Pentland + ite1 … English new terms dictionary